The Tradition and Future of Music—
The 2020 Taiwan Musicology Society and
Taiwan Musicology Forum Annual Meeting
List of accepted abstracts
The program committee has completed the evaluation of abstracts. This year we have received forty-seven abstracts. Twenty-six abstracts (of individual papers) and one panel session (with four papers) are accepted. The acceptance rate is 64%. National Taiwan Normal University will host this year’s annual meeting, which takes place on 21-22 November 2020 (Saturday-Sunday). Details re: the conference venue and program will be announced later.
The below is the list of accepted abstracts and panel:
小組論文1組 1 panel:
Entanglements of music with cultural politics within the Hong Kong-Taiwan-mainland China nexus since the mid twentieth century | |
LAW, Ho Chak | When Third Sister Liu meets Confucius on an “unexpected” journey: The politics of text-setting in The Love Eterne |
YU, Siu Wah | History and politics: The unfolding identity of a “Hong Kong” record company |
TSE, Priscilla | “One opera, two nationalisms”: Negotiating Hong Kong identity and Chinese nationalism in Cantonese opera |
YANG, Hon-Lun Helan | Boundless oceans and vast skies: The circulation of sonic imagination |
單篇論文26篇 26 individual papers:
Boris Hei Yin, Wong | Expressing Collective Identities through Performances: The Case of Hong Kong Secondary School Music Teams in Competitions |
Cao, Jiawang 曹佳望 | Gaohu and Cantonese Music |
Haywood, Matthew | Amateur Musicians and the Construction of Jingju (Beijing Opera) |
Link, Martin | Luciano Berio and Umberto Eco – Between structuralism and idiography |
Salmeron Carvalho, Diogo | “Open the Bruise Up”: Identity and Memory in Steve Reich’s Music |
王泯淳 | 韓國的「長短」之節拍特色與其運用變化 |
王德竣 | 台灣VJ的行動者網絡 |
何家欣 | 奧古斯丁教士團克洛斯特新堡修道院五部十四世紀對唱聖歌集之探究 |
沈雕龍 | 音樂作為「人心的戰爭」之工具── 一九五○年代的《今日世界》音樂報導的歸納與分析 |
林丰弈 | 觀察亨德密特《畫家馬蒂斯》宗教與政治意涵 |
林文心 | 移植「野」玫瑰:德語歌曲在台灣的後殖民翻譯研究 |
梁正一、黃郁芬、蘇黎 | 古代琴論的當代應用:王坦《琴旨》調式系統與音樂資訊處理技術的交互印證及演奏分析 |
許典甲 | 北管白字戲《賣蕃薯》:一段彰員鹿軒團歷史錄音的回溯 |
陳季佑 | 台灣基督長老教會《聖詩》2009版的誕生 |
彭蘊嫺 | 中華路上的音樂台北學-權力核心與庶民文化的共存 |
程明 | 樂匠抑或是音樂家:1980年代臺灣錄音室科技與樂手的合作結構與音樂產製的藝術與審美 |
馮天彥 | 柴科夫斯基晚期交響曲時間性之探究 |
黃若瑤 | 十七世紀晚期的法國音樂與世界─論《土豪新貴》中的階級與他者意象再現 |
黃郁芬、蘇黎 | 探究鋼琴演奏聲響的時間序列(time-series)特徵與樂曲結構之關聯性:應用音樂大數據與深度學習架構分析 |
楊小華 | 元雜劇與歐洲歌劇的對話-以Alexander Zemlinsky《灰闌記》為例 |
楊廣澤 | 「新臺語歌運動」在當代的演唱風格轉變–新世代的鄉愁,與飄移演變的在地認同 |
楊曉恩 | 試論菲律賓樂手Ben Rigor在台灣的歷史意義:以1968年出版的唱片《南歸的雁》與《平原風情》為例 |
廖聖捷 | 重探星馬脈絡:二十世紀中期國語歌曲研究之新面向 |
劉延芳 | 音聲引領見蓮華:諾那華藏精舍中陰助念法會 |
潘莉敏 | 從日記重建臺灣早期女作曲家賴孫德芳的音樂人生 |
戴愷如 Ditmanson, Elizabeth | Locating Noise: Intermediality and Metaphor in Jung Yeondoo's Noise Quartet |