2013年9月28日 星期六

國際音樂學學會東亞分會第二屆雙年會(IMS-EA 2013)暨2013臺灣音樂學論壇_將於本週五(10/4)註冊截止

國際音樂學學會東亞分會第二屆雙年會(IMS-EA 2013)暨2013臺灣音樂學論壇之註冊將於本週五(10/4截止。誠摯邀請各位學界先進把握最後機會報名參與。

兩場會議分開註冊,註冊 IMS-EA2013 者(付費),可直接參與 2013台灣音樂學論壇。在校一年級之新生現在報名 IMS-EA 2013 可享學生早鳥優惠。

詳情請見IMS-EA 2013官方網站:http://www.gim.ntu.edu.tw/imsea2013.html
臺灣大學音樂學研究所將於今年101820日於文學院及博雅教學館聯合舉辦2013臺灣音樂學論壇以及國際音樂學學會東亞分會第二屆雙年會(The 2nd Biennial Conference of the East Asian Regional Association of IMS, 2013,以下簡稱IMS-EA 2013),誠摯邀請各位學界先進的參與。



兩場會議之共同專題演講邀請美國北伊利諾大學歷史系教授E. Taylor Atkins專程來台,分享其涉足東亞音樂之研究心得,演講題目為:Let's Call This: A Paradoxical Platform for Transnational Jazz Studies。雙重盛會聯合舉辦,臺灣與國際學者之激盪交流絕對精彩可期。

兩場會議分開註冊,註冊 IMS-EA2013者(付費),可直接參與 2013台灣音樂學論壇。兩會註冊皆於104日截止。


The Graduate Institute of Musicology is proud to host two upcoming musicological conferences which will take place jointly on 18-20 October 2013 in the College of Liberal Arts and Liberal Education Classroom Building (Boya Building): the 2013 Taiwan Musicology Forum and the 2nd Biennial Conference of the East Asian Regional Association of the International Musicological Society, 2013 (IMS-EA 2013). We cordially invite you to participate in this international event.

The conference theme of IMS-EA 2013 is “Musics in the Shifting Global Order,” and the eighty-nine selected presenters hail from Australia, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, the UK, and USA. There will be a total of 27 paper, panel, roundtable, and poster/media sessions, as well as a plenary keynote speech and roundtable convened by the Directorium of the International Musicological Society. This international conference will take place from Friday to Sunday, 18-20 October.

The annual Taiwan Musicology Forum provides an important venue for music scholars and students in Taiwan to disseminate the results of their current research. This year twenty-three presenters will discuss a wide range of topics encompassing the historical, ethnographical, analytical, and pedagogic aspects of music in Taiwan, Asia, and the West. The Forum will be held on Saturday, 19 October.

The two conferences will jointly present a keynote speech, and has invited Professor E. Taylor Atkins of the Department of History, Northern Illinois University, to offer a lecture titled “Let's Call This: A Paradoxical Platform for Transnational Jazz Studies.” Professor Atkins has conducted extensive research on the music of East Asia, and is the author of Primitive Selves: Koreana in the Japanese Colonial Gaze, 1910-45 (2010) and Blue Nippon: Authenticating Jazz in Japan (2001).

Registration for the two conferences are separate, and both end on 4 October. IMS-EA 2013 requires registration fee, and delegates can directly participate in the Taiwan Musicology Forum sessions.

Please check the respective conference websites for details:
2013 Taiwan Musicology Forum: http://2013taiwanmusicology.blogspot.tw/

Conference arrangement: Graduate Institute of Musicology, NTU
Co-organizer: College of Liberal Arts, NTU